Your body is designed to fight for survival. The reflexes we have are responses to that. This response is especially tested when we are under stress. Although the purpose of our body’s response is to survive, the effects sometimes cause more harm than good.
Your health has to be the priority. With a healthy body, you are progressive and productive – able to function at your best. So, in order to achieve this, you need to help your body better cope with stress. Below we’re sharing 5 super simple techniques to help you reduce stress:
Eating healthy is the ultimate key to good health. Doctors often advise this not because it is routine but because it is necessary. Nutrition is very basic and a preventive agent for diseases. As good as it can protect, it can also increase the body’s threshold for stress, helping your body better cope with stress and provide better stress relief. A diet that consists of good quality (organic if possible) plants, fresh fruit, grass fed and finished meats, good fats and nuts/seeds is a great starting point to good nutrition.
Approximately 75% of our body is made of water. With everyday activities, your body sweats, uses the fluids in your body, and expels the excess fluid. This is a sign that your body needs replenishment of fluids and electrolytes. Thus, we must drink water on a regular basis throughout the day to keep hydrated. While opinion varies on the amount of water you should drink daily, Dr Batmanghelidj, a recognised authority and researcher on water recommends aiming for 25-35ml of water per kilogram of body weight. To calculate how much water you need simply multiply your weight by 35mls = e.g. 75kg x 35ml = 2,625 = 2.6 litres per day.
There is no doubt about it, sleep is incredibly important to our overall health and to dealing with stress. Just like plugging in a charger to charge your phone, sleeping is your body’s way of recharging for another full day ahead. It is recommended you have 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. In addition the more sleep you get before midnight the better quality. Try and get into bed and asleep by 9.30-10pm, you’ll not only feel better for it but will also be able to deal with stressful situations in a calmer and more relaxed manner. If you struggle to achieve the recommended hours of sleep a day, allow some time in the middle of the day for strategic rest. Giving your body even a small amount of time to nap or calm down will assist you in coping with stress.
It is understandable that when overwhelming stress takes over, your body will either shut down or present aches. With the patterns in life, we often forget one basic method for stress relief – breathing. A deep breath can deliver instant relief not just because it feels good, but also because there’s a science to it. When you are under stress, the oxygen usage in your body increases. Taking deep breaths when you’re stressed will help regulate the flow of oxygen in your body, leading to better thought processes and body functions.
Lastly, no one knows your body like you do. An increase in stress levels will show different signs and symptoms in everybody. So, you need to learn when you are feeling stressed. Some will feel back pains, headaches, or even nausea. So when you feel the signs, learn to stop and apply some of the methods you learned here to deal with stress.
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