It isn’t news that you need to exercise.
We’ve all heard the benefits of exercise for mental and physical health. The benefits exercise has on our relationships or on our concentration. We all know we should be exercising more and sitting less, but how does the everyday person actually do that when they are already overwhelmed by a never-ending to do list? While completing your full work out of choice is always the best option, there are some additional ways we can incorporate exercise into our day. We’ve compiled a list of some easy ways to incorporate more incidental exercise into your day, some are your classic forms and others may be new to you. Hopefully something below inspires you to incorporate a little more movement into your day.
hide *Important – Scam Alert* There is a fraudulent email being sent from phishers posing as NAB that has chosen to name Sydney Holistic Dental Centre as the recipient of a direct debit, this is a scam and needs to be reported and deleted. Please note there has been no data breach as most people affected are not our patients and this is not associated in any way with SHDC.’ |