Confused as to what to use when brushing? Are you constantly asking yourself if you should get a manual or electric toothbrush? Below we break down the pros & cons of both to help you choose which is right for you.
Manual brushing – the pros
Manual brushing – the cons
Electric brushing – the pros
Electric brushing – the cons
The Debate
A lot of arguments surround which toothbrush results in a better clean, with many assuming that the electronic toothbrush is far more superior than the good, old-fashioned style.
Reality is, whatever you choose, whether it be a manual toothbrush, an electric one, or even an organic stick or twig (used in historic ages and not recommended for today), it will all come down to how well you brush your teeth.
Blame it on conscious brushing or flossing, but no matter how high-tech your toothbrush is, it won’t do your oral health any good if you aren’t as conscious as you are when applying the rules of proper brushing.
Knowing how to clean your teeth correctly is the only way to ensure a good clean, regardless of your toothbrush type.
Regular check-ups with the Hygienist means a professional will be able to monitor how well you are brushing and suggest any tweaks that need to be made. They will also be able to advise you on whether an electric or manual toothbrush is right for you. Happy brushing!
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