To maintain the highest standards for your health and wellbeing, we have the latest technology for air filtration systems to control and purify air quality in the SHDC clinic environment.
“Viruskiller achieves 99.9999% kill rate”
As air passes through the air filter unit, it goes through a 2-stage process to achieve the best results, purification and sterilisation.
The pre-filter, HEPA filter and activated carbon filter take care of larger particles like dust, pollen and smoke. This is where most “air purifiers” end.
Mechanical filters are limited to what they can trap and what gets through the initial filters in this Radic8 system is then dealt with in the reactor chamber, this includes viruses.
The patented sterilisation chamber uses a process called photocatalytic oxidation and is designed in such a way that maximises ultraviolet radiation and oxidation to give unparalleled results.
Uniquely, the Radic8 technology is designed to trap dirty air, kill sick air and neutralise toxic air.
hide *Important – Scam Alert* There is a fraudulent email being sent from phishers posing as NAB that has chosen to name Sydney Holistic Dental Centre as the recipient of a direct debit, this is a scam and needs to be reported and deleted. Please note there has been no data breach as most people affected are not our patients and this is not associated in any way with SHDC.’ |