At SHDC we’ve been linking oral health to general health since 1983 – that’s a long time! So, we thought that it was time you got to know a little bit more about the SHDC team that make it all happen.
Since the beginning – so over 30 years! I had a couple of years off when I lived in Israel but I’ve been working at the practice since the beginning.
Pilates, I love to do Pilates. I’ve been doing it 3 times a week for the last 6 years and love it!
I love Indian food. I particularly love vegetarian curries! Sometimes my husband will cook them or sometimes we eat it out.
I like to read magazines and a really like watching a good drama on the tellie, something that is interesting for me. I really like British dramas such as Downton Abbey. Currently there are some great things on WWI which I am really enjoying watching. I also love the Blacklist, it’s an American drama centred around an FBI agent, James Spader – the acting is just really brilliant in it.
I love Barbra Streisand in everything she does, from singing to acting she is great.
Hawaii! I have always wanted to go and never been. My son is an executive head chef at a 5 star hotel in Thailand so my holidays have always been there.
Move regularly, I love pilates. Eat lots of fresh fruit and veg. Be sensible in everything you do – from choices you make for your body to the way you treat it.
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