Good health is more than just going to that weekly gym class. It’s more than a plate full of veggies served with organic pasture raised chicken. It’s more than sleeping a perfect 7-8hrs a night.
At SHDC we believe good health is achieved by addressing the way we sleep, move and nourish ourselves AND the way we think, breathe and the environment around us. A holistic perspective of health considers the whole person, which includes our mental and emotional health. Often these other elements of good health are forgotten and pushed to the side. Over the next few weeks we’ll be exploring this question in greater detail and offering tips of how to achieve good health by incorporating all these factors.
Mental health is essential to a healthy body, it impacts the way we think, feel and act. Anxiety and stress can reduce immune function, contribute to ulcers, heart conditions and hormone imbalance. We can easily become overwhelmed and use other band-aid solutions to fix mental and emotional imbalances without addressing the problem. When we look after our mental health we have the energy and focus to put into other aspects of our life.
Of course eating well, exercising and sleeping well all contribute to good mental health. This list is just to remind you that our mental health is just as important as these factors. We need to regularly check in with ourselves and ask for help whenever we may need it.
hide *Important – Scam Alert* There is a fraudulent email being sent from phishers posing as NAB that has chosen to name Sydney Holistic Dental Centre as the recipient of a direct debit, this is a scam and needs to be reported and deleted. Please note there has been no data breach as most people affected are not our patients and this is not associated in any way with SHDC.’ |