Oral Health Therapist Hygienist

Expert Oral Health Therapists & Hygienists for Your Care

Oral Health Therapist Hygienist

Ngan Lam

B. Oral Health

Ngan graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Oral Health in 2018.

Oral Health Therapist Hygienist

Emily Vong

B. Oral Health

Emily graduated from the University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy with Adult Scope.

Oral Health Therapist Hygienist

Stephanie Hall

B. Oral Health

Stephanie graduated from Sydney University with a Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy with Adult Scope.

Oral Health Therapist Hygienist

Kristel van Eijk

B. Oral Health

Kristel graduated from the University of Sydney obtaining her Bachelors in Oral Health in 2008.